Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Five Steps and Foods Which Can Increase Sperm Productivity and Motility

Low sperm productivity and motility can make women have trouble to get pregnant. Motility is a distinct characteristic of a sperm cell to move and swim towards the egg in order to stimulate fertilization. It refers to the strength and endurance of sperm cell thus, low motility most often results to male fertility problems. Several ways on how to increase sperm motility believed to be effective include eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements.

There are 5 easy steps to increase Sperm Motility and Male fertility :
  1. By taking vitamin E supplement. Vitamin E protects the body against free radicals and unstable molecules that can damage our reproductive system.
  2. Experts advise another effective approach on how to increase sperm motility through eating the right foods. Zinc rich foods such as oysters, help improve motility and maximize semen volume. Other food groups that are rich in zinc include liver, lean red meat, nuts and grains.
  3. By eating selenium rich food. Selenium is used by testes to make selenoprotiens, a vital protein used to boost semen production. Examples of selenium rich food are eggs, brewers yeast, brazil nuts, seafoods and garlic.
  4. By eating foods rich in L-carnitine. Sperm production uses an amino acid called L-carnitine. Medical reports show that sperm motility and quality are enhanced within the span of 4 months by increasing the intake of amino acid L-carnitine. Food groups that are rich in L-carnitine are lean meat, and dairy products.
  5. By taking herbs like maca root and ginger. Both herbs have been used by other cultures and were proven to be non-toxic. It is used in traditional Chinese and South American medicine to prevent infertility in men.
 Here are 5 Foods to Increase Sperm Motility and Male fertility :
  1. Red peppers, carrots, oatmeal, dried apricots. The vitamin A in these foods help grow healthy sperm. To increase sperm count and motility, eat dark green lettuce, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and dairy fortified with vitamin A. 
  2. Asparagus, snow peas, cooked tomatoes, strawberries. The vitamin C in these foods affect sperm motility and viability. Vitamin C and vitamin A are found in many of the same foods: kale, red peppers, sweet potatoes, yellow veggies and fruits. The antioxidants in these foods help increase sperm count by decreasing harmful free radicals. 
  3. Turkey, eggs, seafood, oysters, pumpkin seeds. “Inadequate amounts of zinc an lead to low testosterone levels and diminished sperm count. Zinc is also found in beef, yogurt, oatmeal, corn. 
  4. Leafy green veggies, avocados, beans, whole grains. Make sure you’re getting enough folic acid, because low levels can lead to birth defects. Men with low levels of folate have more sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. To increase your sperm count, production, and motility, make sure you’re eating lots of dark green veggies and fruit. You may want to consider a folic acid supplement. 
  5. Salmon, sardines, anchovies, walnuts. “DHA and other essential omega-3 fatty acids help improve blood flow to the genitals and increase sexual function. Other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include arugula, crab, shrimp, flax, and chicken. To increase sperm count, load up on foods that contain healthy omega-3s!

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